In the summer months, our Youth and Family Coaches took advantage of the warm weather and held some of their career development sessions outside. With masks, social distancing, and limited attendance, Lah Tha Pwee and Yeng Sam Vang gave youth the chance to learn together in person. In this time of economic unknowns, the question of “What’s Next?” feels relevant to many of us, but especially our youth.
“‘What’s Next?’ summer program really helped me learn about financial literacy. Thanks to this program I learned many other things related to college that I didn’t know before.” – Vung Muang, youth participant.
The career pathways program, called “What’s Next?”, aims to help students ages 14-24 explore career paths and be empowered through community building. With colder weather on the horizon, Lah and Sam plan to use Google Classroom and Google Suite this fall. As school has begun online for many, they hope this will be a viable solution for access to their program. Additionally, KOM is offering laptops to loan out for students to complete online assignments.
“I was able to understand more in this program because of Lah, because we speak the same language.” – Paw Poe, youth participant.
This program is an interactive and collaborative program aiming to empower youth. Personal coaching through activities and lessons aim to help students learn the importance of career development. Our students then set goals for themselves and learn how to navigate their own career path.
Lah Tha Pwee and Sam Vang complete assessments with each student to understand their education history and career interests. The class meets 3-4 times a week during September and October.
To learn more about the Youth Career Pathways programs, contact Lah Tha Pwee or Yeng Sam Vang.