Hta Thi Yu Moo, KOM’s Youth Coordinator, has taken on a project these past few months, in partnership with CAPI USA, on getting more Karen citizens to participate in voting. The goal of this voter engagement project is to get more Asian American citizens to participate in the upcoming local elections for mayor and school board.

After receiving training, Hta Thi proceeded to train many of KOM’s staff to help with getting more community members registered and pledged to vote. They reached out to potential voters at the office, at events, at churches and in their own families. This project began in late August and continues up until Election Day.
This last month, the focus has been on voter education. Hta Thi has given various presentations at KOM and in the community about the candidate options for both mayor and school board, as well as how to vote using ranked choice voting for the mayoral election.

This week, leading up to Election Day on November 7th, they will be taking voters to do early voting as well as following up with pledged voters to make sure they have transportation, interpreters and other resources to be able to vote.
“It’s important for the Karen and other community members to vote because it is their right and responsibility. We get to choose our leaders. When we vote, we make our voice heard,” explains Hta Thi Yu Moo.
Are you ready to vote on November 7th? Find your poll location, see a list of candidates and view your sample ballot at http://pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/.