Hsa Hser Ku and Ner Mu, two of our dedicated KOM Community Health staff, recently became certified Community Health Workers. We commend them for pursuing further education to continue to serve the community.
Pictured above: KOM Community Health program staff, Hsa Hser Ku (left) and Ner Mu (right), standing proud with their Community Health Worker certificates.
Outside of paid work, Hsa Hser Ku and Ner Mu committed around twenty hours per week towards their certification. They dedicated fifteen of those hours to classes on documentation, legal and ethical issues in community health work, health promotion competencies and an internship course. Lastly, they each completed eighty hours of an internship through KOM.

On May 18th, 2024, Ner Mu and Hsa Hser Ku finished all their required classes and graduated. As community health educators, taking these classes helped them learn more about the role and responsibilities of Community Health Workers. The past nine months helped them gain more knowledge on how they can better support our Karen community. They both thank WellShare International and KOM for giving them this opportunity and supporting them through the journey.
The Community Health Worker classes are offered online through St. Kate’s University over 9 months and total as 17 college credits. The 2023 cohort for the Community Health Worker Certificate Degree was sponsored by WellShare International.