In partnership with KOM and the Roseville Area Learning Center, TSC Connect will be facilitating a Soldering Class beginning May 3rd.
Why should I take the class?
Through this soldering program, students will earn an IPC certification. This certificate qualifies them for industry jobs, which typically pay between $15 and $20 an hour. Additionally, there is no test required to attain IPC certification (a soldering certificate). Anyone who completes the soldering program will be fully prepared to enter the industry.
How do I know if soldering is the right fit for me?

Prime candidates for soldering are people with good eyesight, coordination, and attention to detail. The soldering industry regularly requires the use of microscopes to apply solder onto green computer chips. Due to the precision needed in applying solder to such a small surface, it is important that solderers possess good hand-eye coordination and eyesight. Additionally, soldering positions require sitting for long periods of time.

The soldering class will begin on May 3rd and last through the end of June. Each class session lasts four hours from 8:30am until 12:30pm. While class size is typically around 10 students, KOM is happy to welcome more candidates into the program and will form another afternoon cohort to meet demand if necessary.
During the first week of class, students will work online with the Roseville Area Learning Center (RALC) to strengthen their English skills. For instance, students will learn the names of soldering tools and terminology. They will also start developing their resumes and preparing for job interviews.
After the initial week, Monday through Thursdays will be spent at TSC Connect, a soldering training center located at 505 Como Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55103. On these days, students will learn how to use tools and practice soldering. On Fridays, they will continue their online work with RALC.
Upon completion of the course, students will earn their IPC certification (a certificate in soldering). Mu La Tu from KOM will then work with students to find job placements.
Job Opportunities
Thang Sian Thoung, a recent graduate of the program, believes completing this course is very beneficial for securing job placement. “It taught us everything we needed to know,” he explained, from “training us [on how to use] tools and how to solder in the socket board”, to building a resume and learning how to be interviewed. Several companies have already called Thang Sian Thoung with regards to job opportunities, and he only just finished the class this March.
One benefit to earning an IPC certification is that there is an abundance of job opportunities. Soldering jobs come in a variety of industries, such as medical, aviation, and electrical. For instance, Aerotek and Medtronic are two companies with locations in Minnesota that offer soldering positions.
Unfortunately, with COVID-19, soldering positions are in shorter supply. Air travel has been limited, so many soldering jobs in aviation have been put on hold. This is also true for medical assembly, such as at Medtronic. However, Mu La Tu says it’s beneficial to get hired into these companies now, even if not in a soldering capacity. Those already employed by the company will have a leg up when soldering positions in those companies do open up. Additionally, those who already possess an IPC certification will have an advantage in securing those soldering positions. In general, companies would rather hire someone with company experience and an IPC certification than hire an outsider with neither.
COVID-19 Precautions
TSC Connect never shut down during the pandemic and has been consistently running programs. They require social distancing and use of masks for all people on their property.
If access to technology is an obstacle, Mu La Tu, Career Development Counselor from KOM, will help students get laptops. You can contact her at mtu@mnkaren.org.
Participants must be South East Asian and have English as a secondary language.
Sign Up
To sign up, contact KOM’s Mu La Tu at mtu@mnkaren.org or (651)202-3113. You can also reach her at (651)202-6154, or the KOM main office at (651)788-7593.