Do you want to learn English, or to improve your language skills? Do you want to become more self-sufficient and integrated into your community?
Coming to a new country is hard enough. Coming to a new country that speaks a different language is even more so. Learning the language can be one of the biggest obstacles to overcome, especially without the support system necessary to be successful.
However, learning English is one of the best things refugees and immigrants can do for themselves. It allows people to better integrate into their communities, become self-sufficient, and improve quality of life.
Furthermore, it opens resources, expands employment opportunities, and helps make connections that strengthen the community. After the long and stressful process it often takes to come to the US, learning English can be a great step towards self-affirmation and success.
“It’s very important for new arrivals. If you can’t speak English, America can be very difficult.” –Ler Moo, former ESL Student & Current KOM Community Health Intern
Learning English can feel like a scary task. It’s a new culture, a new language, and often a new alphabet. Getting comfortable in a new country and figuring out the day-to-day are very important. But doing so in a positive environment can make the difference between surviving and thriving.
Here at KOM, we offer ESL classes to bridge that gap. Our staff is mostly immigrants and refugees, so we know exactly how it feels to learn English from scratch. We also know just how important structure and support are to language learning.
“It’s a shared partnership… It’s a resource. Now, it’s really more like the learning hub.” –Fred Bartling, Roseville Adult Learning Center ESL Teacher
Whatever your goals are, learning English is an incredibly beneficial time investment. This is why we have partnered with Roseville Adult Learning Center to offer free ESL classes for adults!
Where Are The Classes?
Level 2 classes are taught at KOM. Other levels are taught at Roseville Adult Learning Center (1910 County B Rd W, Roseville, MN 55113).
When Are The Classes?
- At KOM, classes are Monday-Thursday, 9:30am-1:00pm. Transport to KOM is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- At Roseville Adult Learning Center, classes are Monday-Friday, 9:00am-1:00pm as well as Tuesday-Thursday, 6:00pm-8:30pm.
Am I Eligible to Enroll?
Our ESL classes are open to anyone who:
- Is 17 years of age or older,
- Is not already enrolled in a public high school,
- Wants to improve their English!
How Do I Know Which Level I Am?
Before placement, all interested students will take a TABE test (Test of Adult Basic Education). This allows us to determine which class is best for you.
How Do I Register?
If you’re interested in joining our ESL program, contact KOM’s receptionist Eh Gay Htoo So at (651)-202-3116 or eso@mnkaren.org.
If you’re interested in volunteering with our ESL classes, please learn more and fill out a volunteer application here.