Due to high demand among our clients for support with immigration and public assistance matters, KOM regularly hosts both an Arrive Ministries immigration worker and a Ramsey County financial worker to answer these questions.
By hosting these workers here, KOM is able to remove extra steps for clients seeking these services, facilitating communication between our staff and these workers while preserving client confidentiality. It saves community members from having to travel to Ramsey County’s or Arrive Ministries’ offices , navigating language barriers and parking, and ensures they get better, more accurate help from these workers.
The Arrive Ministries immigration worker is at KOM every Monday, and can help with I-90 (Green Card), N-400, N-600, and I-131 applications. Karen translation is also available. To book an appointment with the immigration worker, call Marner Saw at 651-202-3103 or email him at msaw@mnkaren.org.
The Ramsey County financial worker is at KOM every first and last Tuesday of the month from 1-4pm, and can help with annual, 6-month and monthly report filing for public assistance, as well as changes in address, income, household members and more. No appointment is necessary.
KOM would like to warmly thank Arrive Ministries and Ramsey County for their partnership in providing these services!