The Refugee Employment Services program assists refugees who have lived in the U.S. for fewer than five years find employment.
Pictured above: Lu Lue, KOM client (left), and Par Yei Say, KOM Job Counselor (right).
Their work in helping refugees find job placements has been more critical than ever during these tough economic times, and RES has succeeded in placing countless refugees in new positions, such as Lu Lue, a client of the RES program. Lu Lue began her experience with RES by touring worksites with KOM’s Job Counselor Par Yei Say. “Par Yei Say helped us find a job and [took] us to the workplace. We checked out the workplace and if we liked that he [helped] us get work [there],” she explained. But it didn’t stop there. Par Yei Say continued to assist her in preparing for interviews, completing background checks, and getting oriented into the company.
Lu Lue’s experience with RES was very positive. After working with Par Yei Say at KOM, she gained a job assembling medical and kitchen devices. “Right now I’m working on [assembling] hardware….I’ve been there more than two months. I love it.” Lu Lue is grateful to the program, which she describes as being “good for us, especially refugee people. Since we don’t really speak English and we don’t know about stuff…the process [and] the steps…helps us a lot so it’s easier for us.” In addition, KOM continued to check in with Lu Lue after her job started to make sure things were going well. “They would say ‘how’s the work so far [and] do you like it’?”
Part of the reason Job Counselors are able to find job placements is through KOM’s partnership with employers such as Bailey Nurseries and BIX Produce. These companies aim to supply positive working environments for refugees.