Civic Engagement Program:
KOM is partnering with CAPI USA to educate the community about the importance of civic engagement and participating in the US Census 2020. KOM staff and volunteers will be going around door to door and making phone calls in the upcoming months to take pledges.
Strong, inclusive, and unified communities involved in the political decisions of their local municipalities are more capable of making changes within their communities that help increase their quality of life and equity.
For example, after years of residents organizing and protesting, in April of 2019 Minneapolis’ House finally passed the bill allowing undocumented residents the ability to obtain a driver’s license.
Right now, KOM is recruiting volunteers for our civic engagement program. If you would like to make an impact within your community, please fill out our volunteer application and choose “civic engagement” as your area of interest.
There will be an upcoming training session on August 10, 2019 on civic engagement and the US Census 2020 led by the Norman Y. Mineta Leadership Institute.
Link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCne-T1Xe0_GGXKtucEuloFf1ygPkYi-l1q4oHkaEaIgWWpQ/viewform
2020 Census
Mailing of the U.S. census 2020 will begin March 12-20, 2020.
Many will receive letters on how to do the survey online while some will receive paper forms of the survey. Be on the lookout for the letter when it arrives in your mailbox.
Why is it important?
To ensure that each state and district has accurate and equal representation as every 10 years the seats of the House are reassigned, and districts boundaries are redrawn due to the changes in population.
The census will also determine where 675 billion dollars of federal funds will be distributed.
Statistics that are created from the census will be made public. The information it provides allows the government, organizations and individuals the ability to identify areas where attention is needed, and resources should be directed.
What happens if I don’t respond or fill out the form?
Those who do not respond will receive follow up letters and phone calls.
Failure to fill out the form or providing inaccurate information may result in legal fines. Incomplete forms may be followed by a call or a visit from a representative.
Will my information be kept confidential?
According to the United States Census Bureau, your information will be kept confidential. It will not be, “shared with immigration agencies, law enforcements, or affect your eligibility to aquire government benefits”.
To learn how you can support KOM’s programs click here.