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Connecting Together for a Healthy Life
June 5, 2021 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
A virtual health and wellbeing event
KOM, in partnership with four organizations including the Korean Adoptees Ministry Center, Korean Service Center, and SEWA-Asian Indian Family Wellness, will be leading a virtual health event on June 5th in English, Korean, and Karen. The event itself will be run through educational workshops and campaigns, and will focus on suicide and family violence prevention.
Order of Events
Welcome and Introduction (9:00 – 9:40 am)
Join here: https://zoom.us/j/96619562583?pwd=REcreXFuVEVVSHhVM3hZMTBsUENCUT09
The goal of the virtual health event is to support participants through sharing resources that can help teach people how to take care of their mental and physical health. In that vein, the fair will begin with a welcome to all participants. An introductory video from the Minnesota Department of Health will be shared, and leaders of the event will be introduced. Additionally, leaders will prepare participants for the following portions of the fair, which include navigating Zoom sessions.
Joint Session (9:40 – 10:50 am)
The following portion of the Virtual Health Fair will involve a joint session entitled Caring for Yourself and Your Family. Concurrent Zoom meetings will deliver this content in different languages, including Karen, Korean, and English. Afterwards, participants will take a short break before choosing what topic of Breakout Practice Session they would like to partake in. Join one of the sessions below:
1. Korean language: Communication Skills for Families by Sharon Lee https://zoom.us/j/99198280091?pwd=K25xcUN0ZmwyWGRVc0lLVTZ2bEsydz09
2. Karen language: Caring for Yourself and Your Family by Lwepaw Kacher & Julyna Loo https://zoom.us/j/95018378896?pwd=TjNHZExlS21MRDBTVzFNKzBSclhvdz09
3. English language: Issues of Asian American Youth and Mental Health By Dr. Lauren Bae https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88539565487
4. English language: Caring for Yourself and Your Family by SEWA-AIFW https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88665539174?pwd=djFNcVJXRXlFMXJEY01aQWx2Wkdjdz09
Breakout Sessions (11:00 – 11:30 am)
The Breakout Practice Sessions include topics such as Meditation, COVID-19 Resources, Suicide Prevention Resources, and Mandala Art. Each of these sessions will take place in a different Zoom meeting. The emcee will instruct participants on how to navigate to the session of their choosing. Breakout session topics:
1. Race and Xenophobia as It Relates to Mental Health in South Asian Communities by Geetanjali Mittal – Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85489648531?pwd=bU94VjdmQVhnOWV6R0cyTVFiK3RKdz09
2. Mandala Art by Shruthi Srinivasan – Join here: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/5384123366
3. Meditation & Mindfulness by Nicole Sheppard – Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88539565487
4. Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Resources by NAMI, Minnesota – Join here: https://zoom.us/j/92420296144?pwd=U1ZXeFNwcm8vMnRaVWVKZ1BsdWNXZz09
5. Ramsey County Crisis Programs and Services at Ramsey County Mental Health Clinic Overview by Charles Goff – Join here: https://zoom.us/j/94564209380?pwd=bytKQ2FOQlNYUlRmajlmMUxHZitaQT09
Ask a Therapist (available from 9:30 am – 11:30 am)
Join here: https://zoom.us/my/cmhwrm
Drop in any time to ask questions about mental health supports available in our area, and what happens if you go see a therapist. These drop-in consultations will be provided by the following Wilder Staff:
Gia Xiong, MSW, LICSW, licensed therapist and bilingual in Hmong / English
Bao Moua, MSW, LICSW, licensed therapist and bilingual in Hmong / English
Aye Aye Aung, interpreter / cultural broker, and multilingual in S’gaw and Pwo Karen, Thai, and English
June Way, ARMHS worker (adult skills worker) and multilingual in Karen and English
Conclusion (11:30 am – 12:00 pm)
Join here: https://zoom.us/j/96619562583?pwd=REcreXFuVEVVSHhVM3hZMTBsUENCUT09
To conclude the fair, participants will have the chance to win door prizes! A survey will be also be available to participants to help evaluate the event and help us improve for next year.