This month we spoke to Ruet Mamo, an Opportunity Navigator working with KOM’s Interpreting Program, about her experience at KOM. Ruet described the position of Opportunity Navigator with Minnesota Opportunity Corps (MOC), as “a person or an individual who aids other people who are looking for jobs [or internships].” In addition to helping clients secure work, she teaches and facilitates within the Interpreting Program, helps clients write their resumes, and assists clients in building interview skills.
Interview Practice
One portion of Ruet’s job is to meet with clients via Zoom to practice for job interviews. “We do a role play where I play the interviewer and they go about it like it’s an actual interview. It’s a way of…decreasing nervousness and building confidence. And [because at] KOM…we work with a lot of people where English is their second, third, or fourth language, people can feel insecure about their English [skills]. And if you’re feeling insecure about your English you can feel less than confident, so it’s…my job” to help them develop their skills and grow their confidence.
Positives to Minnesota Opportunity Corps
The position of Opportunity Navigator was a good fit for Ruet during an uncertain time. With the pandemic on the rage, it provided a steady job during a troubling economic period for the nation. Also appealing about the job was that it was remote, which was important for obvious safety reasons.
Ruet also found a novel experience at KOM that hadn’t originally been on her radar. As a pre-med student, a job in the Interpreting program at KOM was not in the field she was studying. As such, Ruet suggests applying to be an Opportunity Navigator “if you’re looking for a year of a [job at] a place you might not have otherwise considered”. She also suggests the position to college graduates looking for an opportunity “to dip their toes or even submerge an entire foot into the job market and not have a lot of commitment, but just kind of get into the groove” of working.
Another aspect of the MOC program that Ruet appreciated was the chance to perform community service. “It’s like the Peace Corps but you’re not in another country.”
Coming Full Circle
In high school, around 2012, Ruet assisted the newly arriving Karen community in her high school’s art class. She helped tutor as a teacher’s assistant, “back when the Karen community was brand-spanking new to Minnesota”. As such, she was grateful to have the experience to work with the Karen again, and appreciated coming full circle by assisting the same cultural group she had assisted a handful of years before.
Join Our Team
Are you looking for a new experience? Help make a difference in the lives of others and join us as an Opportunity Navigator this coming September! Applications are open for two positions with KOM.