Do you have question about health coverage? Enrollment in MNsure is one of the services that KOM is proud to offer.
Open enrollment for MNsure begins November 1st and lasts until December 23rd. During this time KOM will be assisting in registering people for insurance while also answering questions about healthcare coverage.
If you would like help with the enrollment process, have a concern, or need clarification about health coverage, make an appointment today. You can make an appointment by contacting Laymu Paw at 651-788-7593 or by emailing laymupaw@mnkaren.org. You can also visit us during our walk-in hours on Monday and Thursday from 8:30am-3:30 pm.
What to bring to an appointment:
- Social security card (for each person applying)
- Date of birth of everyone in household
- Driver’s license, Tribal ID and/or other ID–for non-citizens, Green Card or other immigration
documents - Most recent year’s tax forms (1040EZ or Page 1 of 1040)
- Most recent pay stubs (two)
- Documents for other sources of income (social security,
unemployment, self-employment, etc.) - W2 form or Employer Tax ID Number (EIN)
- Employer’s address and contact information
- Information about any employer-provided health
insurance available to each person applying
Don’t wait to apply for health coverage, make an appointment now!